For inspection services, please contact:
Phone: +370 697 60347
Technical condition inspections of potentially dangerous equipment *
- Steam and hot water boilers;
- Pressure vessels;
- Pressure pipes for hazardous substances, steam pipelines, and hot water pipelines;
- Non-pressure hazardous substance tanks (stationary and mobile);
- Elevators;
- Motor-driven hoists for lifting people and goods;
- Escalators and moving walkways;
- Lifting equipment;
- Industrial equipment using flammable gases;
- Transportable pressure equipment (according to the Technical Regulation for Transportable Pressure Equipment and Directive 2010/35/EU).
Conformity assessment equipment *
- We conduct conformity assessments of elevators according to the technical regulation "Lifts and Lift Safety Devices" (Directive 2014/33/EU);
- We conduct conformity assessments of pressure equipment according to the "Pressure Equipment Technical Regulation" (Directive 2014/68/EU);
Inspections of electricity generation equipment from renewable energy sources
Inspections of wind turbines and solar power plants. We ensure the reliable operation and safety of the equipment.
- Technical maintenance of wind and solar park construction
- Inspections of wind turbine lifting equipment
- Inspections of wind turbine lightning protection systems
- Inspections of wind turbine fire protection systems
- Inspections of wind turbine work safety measures
- Annual technical inspections of wind and solar park structures
- Non-destructive testing of wind and solar power plant structures
* = Accreditation is currently temporarily suspended.
- Certification of construction products and welding processes
- Preparation of National Technical Assessments
- Certification of Management Systems
Construction structure research
- Construction structure research
- Audits and inspections of renewable energy equipment
- Structural expertise of buildings
- Energy audit
- Continuous professional training according to education fields/subfields
- Qualification improvement training by topics
- Life cycle assessments and environmental product declarations
- LCA (Life cycle assessment)
- EPD (Environmental product declaration)
- Non-destructive testing
- Destructive tests
- PWHT - heat treatment
- LDAR - uncontrolled losses measurements
Energetikos sistema (EDAIS)
- Apie energetikos darbuotojų atestavimo informacinę sistemą (EDAIS)
- Energetikos darbuotojų atestavimo tvarka
- Energetikos sektoriaus darbuotojų atestavimo egzamino eigos ir elgesio taisyklės
- Atestavimo darbų apmokėjimas
- Energetikos darbuotojo pažymėjimo išdavimas ir klaidų taisymas
- Energetikos darbuotojo pažymėjimo galiojimo sustabdymas, panaikinimas
- Skundų ir apeliacijų pateikimas ir nagrinėjimas