Occupational safety and health (OSH) consulting
Experienced occupational safety and health specialists will professionally carry out the functions of the occupational safety and health service, provide consultations on safety and health matters, prepare all necessary documents, and conduct a professional risk assessment.
Industrial consultancy
- Measurement of wall thickness of pressure equipment, technological pipelines, steam pipelines, and tanks, calculation of corrosion rate, and determination of service life based on RBI (Risk-Based Inspection) methodology.
- RCM (Reliability-Centered Maintenance) for rotating equipment used in industry (pumps, coolers, etc.).
- HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Studies) analysis. This methodology is used to analyze the risk of functional failure of equipment or groups of equipment.
- Risk assessment of technological equipment and production lines according to ISO 12100 requirements (scope - Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC), as well as consulting on machinery safety matters.
- Certification of construction products and welding processes
- Preparation of National Technical Assessments
- Certification of Management Systems
- Technical condition inspections of potentially dangerous equipment
- Conformity assessment equipment
- Inspections of electricity generation equipment from renewable energy sources
Construction structure research
- Construction structure research
- Audits and inspections of renewable energy equipment
- Structural expertise of buildings
- Energy audit
- Continuous professional training according to education fields/subfields
- Qualification improvement training by topics
- Life cycle assessments and environmental product declarations
- LCA (Life cycle assessment)
- EPD (Environmental product declaration)
- Non-destructive testing
- Destructive tests
- PWHT - heat treatment
- LDAR - uncontrolled losses measurements
Energetikos sistema (EDAIS)
- Apie energetikos darbuotojų atestavimo informacinę sistemą (EDAIS)
- Energetikos darbuotojų atestavimo tvarka
- Energetikos sektoriaus darbuotojų atestavimo egzamino eigos ir elgesio taisyklės
- Atestavimo darbų apmokėjimas
- Energetikos darbuotojo pažymėjimo išdavimas ir klaidų taisymas
- Energetikos darbuotojo pažymėjimo galiojimo sustabdymas, panaikinimas
- Skundų ir apeliacijų pateikimas ir nagrinėjimas