For certification services, please contact:
Phone: +370 699 60 731
Certification of construction products and welding processes *
- Notified body of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania (Notified body No. 2913) for construction product certification under the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011
- Designated body by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania for construction product certification under STR 1.01.04:2015
Preparation of National Technical Assessments
In accordance with the order No. D1-546 of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, dated September 23, 2021, Inspekta, UAB (TICPRO, UAB) prepares and issues national technical assessments.
Certification of Management Systems
We carry out certification of management systems for organizations (companies) in the areas of quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and health, and energy efficiency (according to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 standards).
We ensure the implementation of the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021-1 and other standards and regulatory legal acts governing compliance assessment (for certification bodies).
* - Accreditation is currently temporarily suspended.
- Technical condition inspections of potentially dangerous equipment
- Conformity assessment equipment
- Inspections of electricity generation equipment from renewable energy sources
Construction structure research
- Construction structure research
- Audits and inspections of renewable energy equipment
- Structural expertise of buildings
- Energy audit
- Continuous professional training according to education fields/subfields
- Qualification improvement training by topics
- Life cycle assessments and environmental product declarations
- LCA (Life cycle assessment)
- EPD (Environmental product declaration)
- Non-destructive testing
- Destructive tests
- PWHT - heat treatment
- LDAR - uncontrolled losses measurements
Energetikos sistema (EDAIS)
- Apie energetikos darbuotojų atestavimo informacinę sistemą (EDAIS)
- Energetikos darbuotojų atestavimo tvarka
- Energetikos sektoriaus darbuotojų atestavimo egzamino eigos ir elgesio taisyklės
- Atestavimo darbų apmokėjimas
- Energetikos darbuotojo pažymėjimo išdavimas ir klaidų taisymas
- Energetikos darbuotojo pažymėjimo galiojimo sustabdymas, panaikinimas
- Skundų ir apeliacijų pateikimas ir nagrinėjimas